Sunday, February 7, 2010

Only the Invisible Do Not Have Handprints

We met for our first research class today. Our instructor appears to be very kind, meticulous and perfect, an English teacher with an editor’s attitude. I think we are very lucky to have her to teach us how to write and perfect our proposal and research papers. But during the lecture she said something that really bothered me she said as researches we must all be modest we shouldn’t believe that one day we are going to cure cancer or change the world. This shocked me all I ever talk about is changing the world. Am I arrogant? Are my goals to high? Am I to proud? I don’t believe I am more intelligent or educated than anyone else but I believe I am doing something important. Her power point read “Recognize that you are not going to solve the world’s problems with one experiment but you are contributing to a larger pool of knowledge,” and I wondered why I wasn’t solving the world’s problems? What am I doing then? If the experiments I do today get published and read by a scientist tomorrow that sparks an idea that leads to an experiment that changes the world then did I not change the world too? By adding to that larger pool of knowledge aren’t I making a difference? Didn’t Alfred Russel Wallace and Rosalind Franklin make a difference? Everyone is changing the world they may not be winning a noble prize but their very existence is changing how people think, who we are. To live and die without leaving a footprint on earth is like being completely invisible. I would rather spend my lifetime believing I was part of something bigger then that my existence was insignificant. I want to leave my handprint on peoples’ lives and in their hearts. That is changing the world.

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