Sunday, February 7, 2010

The McNair Pack

That night we attended dinner where we met the graduating McNair students and had the opportunity to socialize with our classmates and get to know each other. On the way to the restaurant I car pooled with Bianca, Andy, and J.J. and we talked and laughed and I felt that we were old friends’ not new acquaintances. Bianca said to me that weekend “you know I think that if the older students from the previous year were in our group it would not have worked out as well, it’s like we match, do you know what I mean?” and I did I have never been in a group of people who were so diverse but yet very much the same. Perhaps when we interviewed the directors’ analyzed if they thought we would work well together and if that is the case then they have done a wonderful job. In the end I believe we were meant to meet and will learn a lot from each other. Part of what makes this program so special is the friends I am making along the way.

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