Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Can Read

I learned how to read today. I know you’re sitting there saying to yourself you don’t know how to read, what? It is absolutely true. Dr. Mowrey spoke to us about how to read at our seminar and I felt like my eyes were being open for the very first time. This explains why in childhood I had such a difficult time learning to read and comprehending the stories I read. And why in high school when I was taking Accelerated English courses I had such a hard time understanding what was wrong with the essays I was writing.
She said “if you have a tool you know how to use well, you can always use it on a project you don’t quite understand,” and that is true if you know how to read well you can always use your skills to read things you don’t understand. If you can read and understand a book or journal then you can write a great paper and if you can express your ideas on paper then you can express your ideas to people. It is your ability to talk to people that will help move you forward in the world making friends and meeting colleagues who will respect you and encourage you to succeed.
I was so excited about this new realization that I rushed home and called my little brother Leelynn. I said “Leelynn do you want to succeed?” And he said “yea, sure.” I said good “I’m going to teach you how to read.” He wasn’t perhaps as excited as I was but he will be. I told him that he no longer had to struggle with trying to understand a book or have difficulty reading and writing papers because I had the tools to help him. And no matter if he wanted to be an artist or an engineer he would have to know how to read and communicate effectively with others.
I told my mom and my aunt how this had made a light bulb go off in my head. It explained why my older brothers, sister, and I all had a very difficult time learning to read and write book reports in school. We all learned from the same school system and one that did not lay a strong foundation for our reading potential. I had succeeded in English class and literature classes up to now because I had a wonderful Aunt who helped to teach me the fundamental steps of reading and writing that I had not been exposed too and because I asked a lot of questions when I got something wrong.
I am passing this knowledge to my older brother who is planning to take his GRE and get a masters degree in robotics engineering. He like all of us has little confidence when it comes to reading and writing. We all got discouraged as children when reading was difficult and we were not taught the fundamental steps to understand how to read. I told Leelynn that he had four older brothers and sisters who could teach him how to study for math, science, music, computers, physic and now English and he didn’t have to ever be embarrassed or feel unintelligent because he didn’t understand, now he would be taught.

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